Getting Started in Canvas
Do you teach multiple sections of the same course? Merge Courses to have one course site to display content. Sections can have the same Assignments (but different due dates) and you and/or your TAs will have one Gradebook to work in (which can be filtered by section). You can even message the entire class or separate sections. Go to
Links to an external site. > Merge Courses in the upper menu bar to get started. Want to keep your sections autonomous, but push out updates (Blueprint) or have a Virtual main course for content and communication? View Managing Large Multi-Section Courses for more information about the various options in Canvas.
Links to an external site. – time to add content! From the left side course navigation, select Files. You can drag and drop individual documents or compress/zip folders and drag them into Canvas. In the top right corner of the Files area are links to +Folder to create folders inside of Files (ex. “Readings”) and Upload to “Browse” for files on your desktop. Don’t forget to upload your Syllabus!
Once you have your files in Canvas, click on Home and Choose Home Page
Links to an external site.. You will find the button under Course Status on the right. Canvas defaults to Modules. You can select a Home Page
Links to an external site. that suits your needs. Don’t forget to upload your syllabus to the Syllabus page. Click Edit to add your name, office hours, location, phone #, TA info; Goals and Objectives of the course, etc. You can link to your Syllabus
Links to an external site. by placing your cursor in the textbox, click the Files icon on the RCE toolbar to select the file. Click Update Syllabus to save. Canvas will dynamically create a table of assessments and events at the bottom of the page, under Course Summary.
Need columns in the Gradebook? You can create Graded ASSIGNMENTS
Links to an external site. where students upload files, multiple choice QUIZZES
Links to an external site. they take online, and/or DISCUSSIONS
Links to an external site. for asynchronous discourse. In Canvas, Graded Assessments = Gradebook columns (GRADES
Links to an external site. = Total Points EARNED / Total Points POSSIBLE).
You can upload Word/PDF/slides to the Files area, but what if you want to create a “webpage” with images, videos, and/or audio? From simple text to media rich resources, Pages are easy to create in Canvas. Click PAGES
Links to an external site. > View All Pages > +Page to get started. Pages make great “folders” for links to multiple files, space for explanatory text, and links to assignments… all in one place. Don’t forget to add to Student “To-Do” list
Links to an external site.!
Ready to pull everything together? Modules allows you to organize content in bite-size pieces for your students. You can add anything to modules – Files, Pages, Quizzes, Assignments, Discussions… even External URLs. Select MODULES
Links to an external site. from the left, then click the +Module button (upper right-hand corner) and give it a Name. To add content to a Module, click the plus (+) sign. Don’t forget to publish the module
Links to an external site. when done. Note: These will become hyperlinks to content that you have uploaded/created in other areas of Canvas. If you delete something from the Module, you have only removed the link, not the item itself.
Want to add your TA? On the left navigation, click PEOPLE
Links to an external site.. In the upper right-hand corner, click +People. Don’t forget to add by UT EID [Login ID]. Your students will already be enrolled in the course via the Registrar. TAs and/or Observers (auditors) will need to be manually added by the instructor.
Links to an external site.: on the Course Details tab, add a Grading Scheme
Links to an external site. (A, A-, B+, B…); under More Options, show recent announcements
Links to an external site. on Course home page. Under Navigation
Links to an external site., hide tabs you don’t want students to see (e.g., People, Files); and enable tools you may need (Chat, Gradescope). On the right, try out the Student View
Links to an external site. to see what students see and click to Validate Links in Content
Links to an external site. to find broken links.
Publish your course
Links to an external site.! From the HOME page, click Publish (top right). This enables your students to see all of your (published) hard work and enables you to message (email) your entire class. Green means “GO.”
Email your class – from the left-side global navigation, click INBOX
Links to an external site.. Click the Compose a New Message
Links to an external site. icon (pen and paper), select your Course and To: Recipients. Type your message and click Send when finished. You can receive a courtesy copy, but you must set up Notifications
Links to an external site. first (ACCOUNT > Notifications).
Know where to go for HELP! In the burnt orange global navigation bar, there is a (?)Help icon with information about 24/7 phone/chat/email support for faculty, staff, and students, link for guides and UT Academic Technology information.
2023 - Karyn Kondoff, Senior Training Coordinator