Managing Large Multi-Section Courses

There are many different types of large courses. Some are comprised of multiple unique number sections with a single instructor and several TAs. Others require coordination between multiple instructors and multiple TAs. Below we outline different avenues for managing large courses:  merging sections, using a Master or Virtual Course, and leveraging "Blueprint" courses. We will highlight each option, the advantages and disadvantages, and when to choose one over the other. In addition, we will also list ways to communicate with students in each of these scenarios.

Whichever option you choose, this decision should be done while the courses are unpublished. Assignment submissions are retained within the course, not with the section enrollment. If a published course is merged or unmerged, students could lose any associated assignment submissions and grades.

If you have any questions about which option to choose, please let us know! Email: or Schedule a One-on-One Consultation.


Merging Sections - Combining Sections - Cross-listing Sections are all the same thing. ;)

When to Merge Sections
Advantages Disadvantages

Single course to manage

Assign Due Dates for all sections or select sections

Communicate with all sections or select sections

Assign TAs to particular section(s)

Unable to have section-specific FILES

Ideally, sections should be merged before instructors begin work. Once sections are merged, users will lose access to all content in the secondary sections

Sections must be merged before students start to submit work or risk losing student submissions and/or grades

Merging Sections works best for courses that are cross-listed across disciplines by the Registrar (e.g., GOV, LAS, P A) or for courses with co-instructors whose sections meet at the same time and place. Note: You can merge sections with different instructors by adding the "primary" instructor in each section as a Teacher.

Tutorial - Cross-listing Sections [Combining Courses in Canvas]

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