Exercise - Introductory Case (before class)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None


Objective: Become familiar with the Latinitas case that will be used throughout class and lecture in MIS 374. Reflect on what you already know about systems development, and share these ideas in relation to the Latinitas case. We will use your ideas as the basis for class discussion on the first day of class.


  1. This exercise should be completed individually.
  2. Download and read the 1-page Latinitas case. Click here to download
  3. Using your previous experience and intuition, set a timer and spend no more than 10 minutes identifying all the activities/tasks that are critical for deploying a system to meet the needs of this project for Latinitas. These activities/tasks would be performed by a team of 4 to 5 MIS students during a 10-11 week project to fully complete this system (e.g. create a standard web page CSS template for team use).
  4. After you identify the necessary tasks, determine the best timing for each task based on 3 phases: Early (first 2-3 weeks of the project), Middle (middle 5-6 weeks of the project), Wrap Up (last 1-2 weeks of the project). If you identify additional tasks during this step, please feel free to include them.
  5. After reviewing the work you've planned for the team to do, answer two questions:
    • What do you think is the biggest risk for the project?
    • Could a team of 4-5 MIS students complete all of the activities you identified in 10-11 weeks?
  6. Using the survey questions below, submit your responses to the above questions. This exercise is due before class on Day 1.


  • We want you to reflect upon your past experience and your intuition around the activities required to design, build, and implement an IT system. The more effort you put into this exercise, the better the class discussion and appreciation for the purpose of MIS 374. 
  • This exercise is graded primarily for completion:
    • 100 - you'll receive full credit (100) if you do the following:
      • Identify at least 15 unique and relevant systems development activities
      • Identify what you think is the biggest risk to the project
      • Determine whether a team of 5 MIS students could complete the project in 10-11 weeks
    • 95 - you'll receive almost full credit (95) if you do two of three of the following (make sure to check annotations/comments for feedback):
      • Identify 15 unique and relevant systems development activities
      • Identify what you think is the biggest risk to the project
      • Determine whether a team of 5 MIS students could complete the project in 10-11 weeks
    • 60 - you'll receive partial credit (60) if you attempt the assignment and two or three of the following:
      • Identify fewer than 15 unique and relevant systems development activities
      • Fail to suggest the biggest risk to the project
      • Do not indicate whether a team of 5 MIS students could complete the project in 10-11 weeks
    • 0 - if you do not submit the assignment, you will not receive credit (0).
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