Course Syllabus

You are required to download and read the entire syllabus: Click here to download the syllabus

Contact Info

Caryn Conley - Slack, Email

Clint Tuttle - Slack (no email, just Slack please)

Annie You - Slack or "All TAs" in Canvas Inbox
Colleen Miller - Slack or "All TAs" in Canvas Inbox
Evan Lock - Slack or "All TAs" in Canvas Inbox
Nicholas Kao - Slack or "All TAs" in Canvas Inbox 
Office Caryn (CBA 3.430 or Zoom) | Clint (CBA 3.414 or Zoom)
Office Hours
(on Zoom only)
Caryn: M 2-3pm, W 11am-12pm or by appt
Clint: M 4-5pm, W 3-4pm or by appt
TA Office Hours are by appt only (Zoom)
Phone Caryn: 512-471-7497 (office) 
Clint: 512-232-8197 (office) 
NOTE: The class Slack channel is the best & quickest way to get in touch

Class Times - Room

Caryn: TTH 11am-12:30pm (04890); 2-3:30pm (04895) - CBA 5.330
Clint: TTH 8-9:30am (04880); 9:30-11m (04885) - CBA 5.330


Weight  Assignment (All Project and Exam dates are listed in the downloadable syllabus.  Exercise dates are listed in Canvas)
35%  Client Project (1 project comprised of 3 deliverables & 1 presentation given the last week of class)
20%  Exam 1  
15%  Exam 2 - (the option to count Exam 1 towards Exam 2 is given)  
20%  Group Projects (2 different projects given in the early part of the class)
10%  Exercises and Class Participation (done throughout the class)

NOTE: Final grades can be affected for better or worse based on the outcomes of the 3 peer evaluations received for project performance.

For more syllabus info access a more detailed downloadable syllabus via the link at top of this page.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due