Record Retention Schedule for Canvas 'Term' Courses

The next course deletion period will be Friday, October 25, 2024 at 5pm. In accordance with record retention guidelines, we will be removing Fall 2018, Spring 2019, and Summer 2019. Courses in the 'Default,' and 'Organization' terms will NOT be deleted. 

The previous course deletion period removed Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Summer 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018 courses.


In accordance with the University of Texas at Austin Records Retention Schedule (UTRRS) Links to an external site., official term courses* in Canvas that are five (5) years or older will be deleted at the end of the academic year. This may include but is not limited to course records such as:

Syllabi; Course Descriptions; Modules; Course Announcements; Digital Materials (Files); Videos; Course Pages; Course Discussions; Course Assignments and Quizzes; Rubrics; related grade documentation: Submissions, SpeedGrader Comments, Grades; and Correspondence (Inbox)

If you would like to retain your course content, we recommend taking the following steps prior to August 31 each year:

Alert - University Disposition Policies
When you export content out of Canvas, you are responsible for meeting University disposition policies. For more information, please contact Records and Information Management Services at

*Term courses are those tied to an academic semester and year, e.g., Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2023. Course deletion will not include sandboxes or organizations under the listing of "Default Term" or "Organization."


Records Categorization

Course records in Canvas are categorized as the following records series in the UTRRS:

Records series in UTRRS

UT Code

Record Series Title

Required Retention

Record Description


Student Coursework, Tests, Assignments

End of Semester
+ 1 year

Coursework that is not returned to the student.

These records are retained in Canvas for five (5) years, exceeding the retention schedule minimum.


Faculty Grade Book

End of Semester 
+ 1 year

List of students taking a course and record of the work they have completed. Includes computer and non-computer-generated grade sheets, and other such materials that permit a reconstruction of a student’s graded performance in a course.

These records are retained in Canvas for five (5) years, exceeding the retention schedule minimum.


Course Records

End of Semester
 + 5 years

Departmental course offerings and individual course contents. This series may include but is not limited to: syllabi; course descriptions; course outlines; course summaries; course requests and proposals; curriculum approval lists; lists of classes by term; bibliographies; reading lists; course announcements; handout materials; class lectures; and related documentation and correspondence.