Course Syllabus

2025 Technology Law Syllabus (01.09.2025).docx.pdf

Please view our detailed syllabus above for a week-by-week account of activities and assignments, although we ask that you consult Modules for the official, up-to-date list of assignments and readings.


The class will introduce technology transactions and include practical exercises that will accustom students to typical work handled by (or for) in-house counsel at technology companies. Areas of focus include: (1) intellectual property principles and clauses, (2) technology agreements with a focus on key terms and conditions, (3) mergers & acquisitions (an introduction and basics), and (4) data privacy or other current topics in technology law.

Class instruction will involve: (1) analysis and discussion of example technology agreements and clauses, (2) exercises involving drafting or revising technology agreements or clauses, and (3) discussion of case law, where applicable.

Course Book & Grading:

Our Course Book is: The Tech Contracts Handbook 3rd Ed. by David W. Tollen. There will be no exams, but there will be written assignments throughout the semester. Final grades will be based on the following components:

50% Class participation;
50% Divided among about 5 written assignments

Please rely on the Modules Section of Canvas for the official readings and assignments. The Modules may include required-reading handouts not noted in the syllabus.