Exercise - Submit your Enneagram type

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 2
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Objectives: We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and many researchers have developed many different types of personality assessments to help us understand them. We will use Enneagrams in our class to help your student teams more clearly articulate what strengths you bring as individuals to your team. Please read more about Enneagrams in the class reading and then complete the Enneagram personality survey to identify your prominent Enneagram type. 

We will also use a tool called Mural heavily in MIS 374. It's important that you're able to access this tool before coming to class on Day 2, so ensure that you have access using the emailed invitation.


  1. This exercise should be completed individually.
  2. Read the Using Enneagram to know yourselves and promote healthy teams reading on Canvas.
  3. Complete the Enneagram personality survey in STEP 1 in the Enneagram reading.
  4. Complete this survey to answer two questions:
    1. Identify your prominent Enneagram type
    2. Confirm that you are able to access the class workspace in Mural. If you can't access Mural, please ping your professor on Slack ASAP to resolve any access issues.
  5. This survey is due before class on Day 2.


  • This exercise is graded primarily for completion:
    • 100 - you'll receive full credit (100) if you do the following:
      • Identify your prominent Enneagram type
      • Confirm that you have access to the class workspace in Mural
    • 0 - if you do not submit the survey, you will not receive credit (0).
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