Document the Music Festival Database Design
- Due Oct 10, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types pdf
Your task is to document the music_festival.festival schema that is available via Superset on the server.
Recall that a database design for our course has four parts:
- Sample data, together with a crossing lines diagram.
- The Conceptual ER diagram
- The physical ER diagram
- The table sketches.
For this assignment you will work backwards, starting with the data in the database, then creating parts 1, 2 and 3 of the design.
Go to Links to an external site. and log in. Then in the drop downs on the left choose the "music_festival" database and the "festival" schema, like this:
Then select each of those tables, so that the previews are available. Like this:
My screenshot shows the performances table. You can see the venue_id and band_id columns, which must be foreign keys. You can then draw part of the physical ER diagram, showing performances, bands, and venues and connecting with the crowsfeet lines in appropriate places. Continue inspecting the tables locating foreign keys and drawing both of the ER diagrams. You should end up with six entities in both diagrams. For concrete data and crossing lines diagrams (part 1) you need only show data about two people making two purchases of 2 tickets each to see 2 different shows.
You can work with paper and pen (take a photo and convert that to PDF to submit), or you can work with programs like, Lucidchart, Miro, or Vizio. Submit a 1 page PDF.