General Information:
Time: M W 3:30PM-5:00PM
Place: JES A303A
Instructor: Qixing Huang and Chandrajit Bajaj
Office hour: QH (Fridays 3pm-5pm at GDC 5422). CB (Zoom Fridays 1 - 3pm)
The course covers the mathematics of applications of spectral graph theory, broadly defined. Grading is based on homework (60%) and the final project (40%).
A partial list of applications to be covered:
- Spectral Graph Theory.
- Graph Neural Networks.
- Spectral Clustering.
- Spectral Map Synchronization.
- Spectral Shape Matching.
- Spectral Vector-Field Design.
- Spectral Parameterization.
Prereqs: The course assumes a good knowledge of linear algebra and probability. Please talk to me or email me if you are unsure if the course is a good match for your background.
Date | Topics | Reading | Notes |
Jan 19th | Introduction | ||
Jan 24th | Adjacency Matrix, Laplacian Matrix, and Spectral Graph Drawing | (lecture-notes) and see references cited | |
Jan 26th | Normalized Adjacency Matrix and Laplacian Matrix | (lecture-notes) and see references cited | Homework 1 out. |
Feb 2nd | Graph Properties, Graph, Laplacian Spectrum, Courant-Fischer | Lecture notes Spielman's notes | |
Feb 7th | Graph Condunctances, Expanders, Cheeger's Inequality I | (lecture-notes and see references therein) | |
Feb 9th | Random and Lazy Walks on Graphs | See lecture-notes and see references cited there) | |
Feb 11th | Markov Chain Monte Carlo - Metropolis, Hastings, Gibbs, ... | see lecture notes1 and notes2and read references cited | |
Feb 14th | Last Eigenvalue Cheeger and Spectral Partitioning | see lecture notes | Homework 1 due. Homework 2 out. |
Feb 16th | Higher Order Cheeger and Spectral Partitioning /Clustering Algorithms I | see lecture notes1 and notes2 references cited | |
Feburary 21th |
Higher Order Cheeger and Spectral Partitioning /Clustering Algorithms II |
see lecture notes and references cited | |
Feburary 23th | MCMC Mixing Time and Spectral Partitioning II | see lecture notes and references cited | |
Feburary 28th | Random Walks and Electrical Networks I | see lecture notes and references cited | |
March 2rd | Random Walks and Electrical Networks II | see lecture notesand references cited | Homework 2 due March 4, midnight |
March 7th | Harmonic Extensions and Embeddings I | Chap 3 of Lovasz | Homework 3 out . |
March 9th | Harmonic Extensions and Embeddings II | Chap 3, 4 of Lovasz | |
March 21th | Graph Convolutions and Graph Neural Networks I | Distill Paper and References | |
March 23th | Graph Convolutions and Graph Neural Networks II | Distill Paper and References | Homework 3 due on March 27th 5:00pm. Homework 4 out |
March 28th | GeometricDL : GraphSage and Clustering/Partitioning |
Please read the references in the Notes |
March 30th | GeometricDL: DeepWalk and Clustering/Partitioning |
Please read the references in the Notes |
April 4th | GeometricDL: Embeddings for Link Prediction | NeoDTI notes | Final Project List to be circulated March 14th. Selection due by March 21st |
April 6th | GeometricDL: Part (molecular) Assembly Prediction, Electric Grid Resiliency, Spatio-Temporal Animation | See [notes] |
Homework 4 due April 10th midnight.
April 11th | Geometric Deep Learning: Simplicial Complex Embeddings | [Notes] and also see cited references | |
April 13th | Variational Inference, Corrections for Posterior Collapse | [Notes]and also see cited references | |
April 18th | Deep Learning Dynamical Systems with Stability | [Notes]and see references | |
April 20th |
Deep Learning Dynamical Systems with Control. Guided Policy Search [notes] |
[Notes]and see references | |
April 25th | Variations of Stochatistic Optimization for Deep Learning | [Notes] and see references | Final Project (phase 1) due April 25th midnight |
April 27th | Bayesian Bandits and Reinforcement Learning [notes] | ||
May 2nd | Game Theory and Actionable Machine Intelligence [notes] | ||
May 4rd | Markov Decision Processes and Markov Games [Notes] | Final project report due. May 12th midnight. | |
Final Project:
The final project is done in groups of 2-3 students. Each project should have an initial proposal, a final report, and a final poster presentation. The project proposal shall describe four key components of a research project (namely Motivation, Technical Merit, Broader Impact, and Project Plan). The final report should be written as an academic research article. A more detailed instruction will be given later.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |