Download Technology Law Syllabus - Reiter and Barrett Ver. 01.23.2020.pdf

Please view our detailed syllabus above for a week-by-week account of activities and assignments.


This class will include both academic introductions to technology law and hands-on, practical exercises that will accustom students to typical work handled by (or for) in-house counsel at technology companies. Areas of focus include: (1) Intellectual property principles and clauses arising in technology transactions, (2) Types of licensing and commercial agreements common in technology, (3) Drafting and negotiating technology agreements with a focus on key terms and conditions, (4) Mergers & acquisitions (an introduction and basics), and (5) Privacy, cybersecurity, and other current topics in technology law.

Class instruction will involve: (1) analysis and discussion of intellectual property and commercial case law, (2) analysis and discussion of example agreements, and (3) exercises involving drafting and negotiating documents underlying technology transactions.

A goal of this class is to expand the substantive business and legal knowledge of the students while providing practical deal-making skills easily transferable to attorneys who support technology companies.

Course Book & Grading:

Our Course Book is: The Tech Contracts Handbook 2nd Ed. by David W. Tollen. There will be no exams, but there will be in-class and out-of-class writing assignments throughout the semester. Final grades will be based on the following components:

50% Class participation;
50% Divided among drafting assignments


Please rely on the Modules Section of Canvas for readings and assignments. The Course Summary below may not be complete. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due