Course Syllabus
Course summary:
This an upper-level course designed to introduce you to the principle biophysical methods used to characterize proteins and nucleic acids. This course will provide a survey of old-school and up-and-coming methods in biophysics. Additionally, you will learn to read, interpret, and discuss scientific literature related to the biophysical methods being presented.
Learning objectives:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
- Analyze, interpret, and discuss scientific literature.
- Design experiments to test biophysical properties of macromolecules.
- Critique biophysical methods (strengths/weaknesses).
- Interrogate structures and sequences of macromolecules.
- Write concise, critical reviews of assigned papers and present findings to your peers.
Course Design:
Science has actually demonstrated that we learn more when we are actively engaged in the learning process. That being said, I will lecture on physical methods in biochemistry. However, each of these lectures will include an activity, problem set, or question to work on in small groups. Additionally, we will discuss a paper in depth after every second lecture. We will have three midterm exams during the semester. These exams will require you to apply the logic and concepts we have discussed in class. We will also have several pop quizzes throughout the semester. The pop quizzes will be counted as bonus points. If you have been following along with the material in class, you should be well-prepared for both the exams and pop quizzes.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |