Gearing Up
Step 1: Download Screencast-O-Matic
We have selected Screencast-O-Matic Links to an external site. as the screencasting tool for this institute because it has similar capabilities on a Mac and Windows computers as well as being inexpensive to upgrade to Pro [$15/year $29/three years] with Windows users getting system audio at the pro level. If you already use a screencasting tool then feel free to use what you are familiar with using.
How to download Screencast-O-Matic - Mac Links to an external site. from Faculty Innovation Center Links to an external site..
How to download SOM onto your PC.
Step 2: Create a YouTube Account
While there are many options for where to host your videos, we have opted for YouTube because other tools that we will be using to add interactive elements work well with YouTube. When uploading your videos to YouTube, select "unlisted" rather than "private" if you want to keep them below the radar.
Creating YouTube Channel Links to an external site. from Faculty Innovation Center Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site..
Step 3: Create a PlayPosit Account
Recently, Zaption, one of the best tools for inserting interactive elements into videos was purchased and will no longer be available to educators. We have opted to test out PlayPosit Links to an external site. for OHI because it has similar functionality, provides Canvas integration and more interaction options at the pro-level [$89/year]. Our mission is to give you some ideas for how to add interaction to your online content. Click on the image below to access the Signup page.
In Week 3, we will explore some other options that could serve you in building out your course.