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  • Fa24 - 13-SECURITY/POLICY E EUR/RUS (35545)

    This course will examine key contemporary security issues and policy dilemmas through the perspective of post-communist Eastern European countries from the 5th and 6th EU enlargement waves in the framework of their membership in supranational organizations. It will survey the existing and emerging internal policy debates concerning the challenges that Central and Eastern European states face vis-à-vis resurgent Russia’s grand strategy and interventions, Chinese foreign policy outreach, energy security, as well as the challenges posed by terror, migration, and the pressures and uncertainties originating in EU’s Eastern and Southern neighborhoods. The course examines the transformation of regional states’ national security strategies, threat perception, and priorities transitioning from the former Warsaw Pact to full-fledged EU and NATO membership in shaping their respective national security priorities. The course is designed thematically and will focus on interpreting the respective countries’ policy shifts and responses within the framework of the changing global security environment through the theories and concepts of EU security policy. A specific accent will be put on the “borderlands” threat perception, issue securitization, prioritization, and subsequent policy formation of the small states within the framework of the EU and NATO’s strategies in response to contemporary external challenges. The aims of this survey include the provision of students with conceptual tools to examine the role and place of Central and Eastern European states in the formation and adoption of EU’s security policy, critical analysis of their contemporary key foreign and security policy dilemmas, as well as an opportunity for interpretation of the national interests, policy responses, interactions and foreign policy and security contexts of the respective countries in focus.

  • RHE 306: Shanafelt (Spring 2025)

    RHE 306: Rhetoric & Writing Spring Term 2025: January 13 - May 5, 2025 Last day: April 24, 2025 No Final Exam!

  • RHE 309S Shanafelt (Spring 2025)

    An advanced rhetoric and writing course that challenges students to transform complex scientific concepts into compelling and persuasive narratives, papers, and multimodal compositions. (1 semester, 3 lecture hours) Prerequisites: 1. Rhetoric & Writing 306 or 306Q 2. College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Scholars

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