8.6 - Kde budeš (podle rozvrhu)?

  • Due No due date
  • Points 20
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


In the chart below you will find your daily schedule (rozvrh) for the upcoming spring semester (called summer semester or "letní semestr" in Czech).  Use the chart to select the grammatically correct sentence that answers the questions about where you will be and what you will be doing.  Pay close attention to the grammar in the answer choices as some sentences may not be grammatically correct.  A small dictionary (slovníček) of new words has been provided below the chart.

Rozvrh - Letní semestr.png


hodina angličtiny - English class (lit. hour of English)
posilovna - exercise room, gym
představení (na) - performance
přestávka (na) - break
seminář (na) - seminar


Image used in this exercise is from this source.